Renniks Stamps of Australia
Australian Colonies Stamp Catalogue
One Country Catalogues
Thematic Catalogues
Renniks Publications - Lighthouse
Australian Commonwealth Specialists’ Catalogue
Brusden-White Publishing
Australian PictorMarks Catalogue
Passion & Pitfalls of Pictorial Postmarks
Postmarks of Australian Antarctic Territory
Postmarks of Tasmania
Postmarks of Western Australia
Cricket Postmarks
Trains & Trams Postmarks
Lest We Forget - Military Postmarks
Australian PictorMarks
Australian Official Perfins
Handbook of Australian Private Perfins
Perfin Club of NZ & Australia
Australian Scout & Guide Philately
Catalogue of Stamps, Cachets & Pictormarks on Covers
E Stermole,
12 Radford Court, Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029
Telephone: 03 97496564
Australian Stamp Bulletin
Australia Post Bi-monthly Bulletin
Australian Stamps Professional
Monthly stamp magazine
Australia & Territories Booklet Catalogue
Boonah Stamp Supplies,
PO Box 155, Boonah Qld 4310
Australasian Stamp Catalogue
The Australian Colonies Stamp Catalogue
Seven Seas Stamps
Captain Cook Bicentenary Catalogue
Illustrated AAT Cover Catalogue
Bilby Stamps & Covers
Cinderella & Revenue Books
Cinderella Stamp Club of Australasia
PO Box 889, Chatswood NSW 2057
Comprehensive Colour Catalogue Australia
Victoria Stamp Traders,
38 Stafford Street, Huntingdale Vic 3166
Telephone: 03 9501 0031
Penguin Views Journal
Society for Polar Philately,
PO Box 408, Wahroonga NSW 2076
Telephone: 02 9807 3344
Philas News
Quarterly Stamp Club Newsletter
Stamp News
Monthly stamp magazine
Useful Links
Australian Antarctic Division
The A.A.D. leads Australia's Antarctic Program which has four goals:
1. Maintain the Antarctic Treaty System.
2. Protect the Antarctic environment.
3. The role of Antarctica in global climate.
4. Scientific work of practical, economic and national significance.
Australia Post
Recent stamp issues, postage calculator, postcode search, shop.
Australian Philatelic Federation
Supplies lists of Stamp Clubs around Australia, Exhibitions Timetable and when Stamp Fairs are on. Sells archival products.
Australian PictorMarks
Everything to do with Australia’s pictorial and commemorative postmarks.
Bilby Stamps & Covers
Mail order website of the Hawkesbury.
Captain Cook Society
For anyone interested in Captain James Cook.
Edlins of Canberra
Medal Mounting Service, Supplier of Replica Medals, Auction House, Coins, Stamps.
New Zealand Post
Recent stamp issues
Stamp Club Services, Philatelic Library
Open Tuesdays & Saturdays 9.00am - 3.00pm
Philatelic Development Council
Promotes, Develops & Assists with Stamp Collecting & Exhibiting.
Preservation and care of philatelic materials
from the American Philatelic Society
This site is dedicated to the heroic explorers of our polar regions and the surrounding islands.
Stamp Discussion Board
On-Line Stamp Community
Transportation and shipping all about philately and postage stamps
US Postal Service History